Gardener Fordson is back at it again!
No one seems to have more success at growing magical squash than this guy. After yet another successful summer season, Fordson has decided to reinvest his earnings into a new strain of seeds. As Fordson is forever buying more seeds than he can handle, he has decided to sell his surplus to any adventurer who is interested in his horticultural pursuits.
However, jealous of Fordson's miraculous seeds, some of the local farmers have contracted the services of a geneticist who has been attempting to clone Fordson's seeds! Although they have only met with marginal success, it seems the key to cloning is in the incubation process. Viewed as an unholy and unnatural procedure by some, the geneticist found he could obtain similar magical properties by 'planting' the seeds on various creatures throughout the world.
Being a bit touched in the head, the geneticist has since lost track of which monsters he used in his experiments. Even now, it is impossible to tell which mobs are carriers and which ones aren't.
As a faithful employee of Gardener Fordson, Buzz the Cat will be in towns throughout Aden and Elmore. Give Buzz your Nectar and he will give you a magical Squash Seed or a Chrono Darbuka. But also be aware that the geneticists' experimental creatures are still out there. And it is said that slaying one of these carriers can yield a cloned squash seed.
General Information
Nectar can be obtained by defeating monsters that are near your level of experience. Trade your stock of nectar to Buzz the Cat for enchanted seeds and grow your own magical squash. After planting a seed, feeding your fledgling squash enough nectar will make it grow. You must then break it open to harvest your prize! Hitting a squash before it has fully grown will cause it to wilt from lack of nutrition, so be careful. Also, since these magical squash will disappear after a short while, take care to crack it open before it gets away.
Squash Seeds can grow into Low Quality Squash, High Quality Squash, or King Squash. Large Squash Seeds can now turn into one of two types of special squash: Large Squash, or Emperor Squash! The latter squash can't be pried open with a regular weapon. Chronicle souvenir weapons must be used. These large squash will require the help of many people in order to break it before it disappears. Chrono Darbukas can be purchased from Buzz the Cat during this event in exchange for your gathered nectar.
Event Items
Squash Seed: Double-click it and a young squash will appear.
Large Squash Seed: Double-click it and a large young squash will appear.
loned Squash Seed: Double-click it and a young squash will appear
Cloned Large Squash Seed: Double-click it and a large young squash will appear.
Nectar: Buzz the Cat will give you a squash seed for it.
Chrono Darbuka: This item is needed to break open large squash.
Q: What's new with this event?
A: In addition to exchanging nectar for squash seeds through the Buzz the Cat, a dropped seed has been newly added. They can be used like ordinary squash seeds. However, these seeds cannot be exchanged or dropped, and are tagged by the word 'Cloned' in their title.Q: After I've obtained a seed from Buzz, what do I do next?
A: If you double-click on the squash seed from your inventory, a young squash or a large young squash is summoned. Then, in order to grow your squash, you must infuse it with 5 additional nectar. To do this, target your squash, then double-click on the nectar from your inventory.Q: What's the difference between a Young Squash and a Large Young Squash?
A: A Large Young Squash has a higher reward rate than an ordinary Young Squash. However, a Large Young Squash is much harder to break. You must strike it and inflict damage with a Chrono weapon in order to break it open. In addition, it's almost impossible to do on your own. If unbuffed, you must have about 5 members to your party in order to break open a large squash.Q: What's the difference between a Low Quality and a High Quality Squash?
A: A High Quality Squash has a much better chance of yielding higher quality items. But that does not mean that a Low Quality Squash will give you nothing. Make sure you bust open each and every squash you've got!Q: Is there a time limit on how long I have to feed my squash?
A: Yes! You only get 3 minutes in which to feed it 5 nectar.Q: How long do I have to crack open a squash?
A: You have 90 seconds to bust open your squash.Q: So if I only have 90 seconds to crack open my squash, how am I supposed to keep track of the time?
A: After each squash has reached the 60 second mark, their dialogue will tell you how much time you have left (example: "Another 30 seconds and I'll be out of here.").Q: I'm a wizard. Can I still break open a squash?
A: Of course! It will still take more than yourself to open up the large squash. However, most any of your offensive magic spells will be powerful enough to open a smaller squash. Please note that your magic spells will be ineffective against a large squash.Q: Does my race, class or level make a difference when using a Chrono weapon to bust open a large squash?
A: Nope. All Chrono weapons have a P.Atk. of 1. And no matter your race, class, level, buffs - nothing will change your damage output.Q: What is a Soul Crystal (mentioned in the rewards list)?
A: A Soul Crystal is an item used to put a Special Ability (SA) onto a weapon. For more information, please see this page.
Prizes include potions, armor and weapon enchantment scrolls, soul crystals, and more.
Remember, you must work to break the squash open quickly or the squash will vanish.
For these dates we will also have mini events like HALLOWEEN HUNT.
Although the Nectar will stop dropping after maintenance on November 10th, Buzz the Cat will remain in villages until the beginning of maintenance on Tuesday, November 10rd. All event items (excluding the Chrono Darbuka and event rewards) will be removed on November 16rd. This includes all seed types as well as Nectar.
Good luck and Happy Hunting!
Β© this is an emulator of the mmorpg game lineage2, running for informational purposes only.