Lv. 40 L2GrandBoss female
They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts.
Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society.
[Drop List]
- List
- min="1" max="1" chance="100.0000" Ring of Queen Ant
- min="120000" max="150000" chance="100.0000" Adena
- min="1" max="3" chance="20.0000" Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade)
- min="1" max="3" chance="20.0000" Square Shield
- min="1" max="3" chance="20.0000" Ogre Power Gauntlets
- min="1" max="3" chance="20.0000" Assault Boots
- min="1" max="3" chance="20.0000" Plate Helmet
- min="1" max="2" chance="50.0000" Sage's Rag
- min="1" max="2" chance="50.0000" Salamander Skin Mail
- min="1" max="2" chance="50.0000" Plate Gaiters
- min="1" max="2" chance="50.0000" Half Plate Armor
- min="1" max="2" chance="35.0000" Mithril Ring
- min="1" max="2" chance="30.0000" Necklace of Darkness
- min="1" max="2" chance="35.0000" Omen Beast's Eye Earring
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Glaive
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Light Crossbow
- min="1" max="1" chance="10.0000" Scallop Jamadhr
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Mithril Dagger
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Ghost Staff
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Staff of Life
- min="1" max="1" chance="11.0000" Bonebreaker
- min="1" max="1" chance="12.0000" Claymore
- min="1" max="1" chance="12.0000" Elven Long Sword
- Statistics of the big bosses and drops are 100% retail. (Remember that the drop can be affected by level penalty)